My next course is C207 Data-Driven Decision Making.  I previously thought this would be something like a financial modeling course.  Or perhaps it would use some of the accounting, economics, and finance concepts in practice.  While neither of those ideas may yet prove false, the course is Statistics.  Why this didn’t jump to mind for me, I don’t know.  Now it seems so obvious that an MBA would have a course in Statistics.  Thankfully I had a very good teacher all those years ago in college undergrad.  Yes, that was a while ago.  But I’ve been working with numbers since then and feel confident in my ability to handle this concept as quickly as the rest.  I’ve cleared my scheduling with the family through the end of February or the completion of my MBA, whichever comes first.  Therefore I plan to finish this course in a total of 18 days.  My company gives a week shutdown for Christmas and I want to use that time to finish the next course.  That would let me complete two more courses this month and return me to my old form of three courses in a month.  That would also give me plenty of time to complete the capstone.  I’m guessing it will be easier to get into a group that starts the beginning of January than it would to find a team mid-month.  I may be wrong but I don’t want to risk it.  C207 has a 70 question test that is done first.  Then two performance assessments follow which apply concepts learned during study for the objective assessment.  The tasks don’t look too time-consuming or as involved as some of the previous papers I’ve written.  Anything under five pages in APA format is not heavy writing.  One task is a decision template and the other a report.  I’m guessing once I pass the exam and am familiar with the required concepts I could, with some internal fortitude, complete both tasks in two nights during the week.  I’m hoping work is easy this month with upper management deciding the year is over and using up vacation days.  I’ll have to see how that plays out but currently I’m optimistic because I’m not being asked for projects the way I was last December.  If work stays light and I get the time to dedicate myself on a daily basis I will definitely move through this course quickly.  If I’m lucky I’ll get to use all those cool statistics functions included in my new calculator!